Product details
Specially for the dental industry we present our Soft Nitrile gloves. It is no coincedence these strong but extremely thin gloves are such a great succes in the medical world.
The Soft Nitrile gloves offer more benefits than on exhistory gloves:
Latex free and powder free. These gloves prevents you and your patients from a latex allergy.
Extremely thin material, for optimal touch on the instruments.
Lightly textured for optimal grip.
Perfect fit. The glove forms its self to the shape of your hands.
Available in:
– white, XS-XL
– pink, XS-L
Quality according to:
DIN EN 455-1/2/3
DIN EN 374-1/2/3
DIN EN 420
Quality level AQL 1,5
Hanskar Nitrile Bleikir S 100 stk. ADT
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Flokkur: Nitril